College Hill Reservoir Outlet Structure and Pipeline

Project Details

The existing pipeline at the College Hill Reservoir is one of the oldest critical water delivery pipelines in the SFPUC’s system and transmits water to San Francisco General Hospital, City Hall and other important locations. Replacement of this pipeline section was necessary to maintain reliable water delivery following an earthquake. Earthquake resistant pipeline (Kubota) was installed.

The scope of work under this contract involves the construction of a new 36” welded steel outlet pipe to the College Hill Reservoir using trenchless construction methods, construction of new 36-inch diameter welded steel and 24-inch diameter earthquake resistant ductile iron pipe (ERDIP) water transmission pipelines and miscellaneous ductile iron pipes.

Construction of a control valve vault housing 36-inch and 24-inch diameter pipe, isolation valves, mechanical HVAC equipment and electrical controls, replacement of reservoir roofing, installation of  new water quality monitoring equipment including new mechanical and electrical equipment and controls, construction of a new access road, drainage pipe, retaining walls, fencing, curb ramps and construction of site improvement and pavement restoration repairs.

Project Info

Status: Current

Client Type:


San Francisco Public Utilities Commission



San Francisco Public Utilities Commission



San Francisco Public Utilities Commission


