Project Details
This project’s main objective was to build a new waste transfer station, maintenance bay, and offices for the existing maintenance vehicles to dispose of their liquid contents at the end of the shift. In order to facilitate that objective, it was necessary to begin with site preparation tasks such as rough grading, fine grading, AC paving, concrete paving, lighting, among other tasks. This also included excavations for the waste decanting station, utility trenches, bioretention basins, sewer operations training facility, fencing, and other tasks. Excavations required dewatering at roughly elevation 0.
Utility installations were required for electrical power, sewer, potable water, storm drains, communications, and security systems.Also included were relocation, assembly, and modification of existing portable trailers including preparation of the existing plumbing (sewer and water) for habitable use, commissioning existing HVAC system, installation of communications and audio/visual equipment, security system, electrical power, a prefabricated structure to serve as a new vehicle maintenance building, and building exterior deck.
Project Info
Status: Current
Client Type:
San Francisco Public Utilities Commission
San Francisco Public Utilities Commission
San Francisco Public Utilities Commission