Project Details
This project involved the installation of approximately 36,450 feet of 72-inch diameter mortar lined and dielectric coated (ML&DCP) steel pipe, and fiber-optic conduit along the pipeline alignment, including one trenchless crossing and: a 150 linear foot crossing under Highway 88. Installation of an AC mitigation and grounding system as specified for the areas where the dielectric-coated Folsom South Canal Connection 72-inch pipeline is affected by Rancho Seco Bellota 230kV circuit #1 and circuit #2 transmission lines, the EBMUD Camanche 115kV transmission tap along Liberty Road, and 12kV distribution lines along Liberty Road. Delivery of excavated materials was made to the Camanche Pumping Plant site at Camanche Reservoir, and related required work located in San Joaquin County, California.
Project Info
Status: Past
Client Type:
EBMUD Engineering & Const Dept.
EBMUD Engineering & Const Dept.
EBMUD Engineering & Const Dept.