Project Details
The Lincoln Centre Biotech Campus Project consisted of the initial removal of existing utility lines in preparation for erection of a new multipurpose Biomedical Campus. Subsequent installation of 3,000 LF of fire water, 1,500 LF of domestic water, 1,100 LF chilled supply and return hydronic water lines, 3,000 LF of sewer utilities & 12,000 LF of an extensive storm drain system which included 35 (EA) bio-retention ponds. The project’s proximity to the Bay & corrosivity of the soil resulted in the installation of 32 (EA) settlement vaults at utility connection points to the buildings and an expansive cathodic protection & dewatering system.
Project Info
Status: Past
Client Type:
BMR – Lincoln Centre LP
HOK Architects & BKF Engineers
Webcor Builders